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Republican Mary Cole and her Trump Allies will take Lake County backwards.

Republican Mary Cole is lying about Eric – just like her Trump allies who are attacking reproductive choice and assault weapon bans. It’s no surprise as she is funded by the same anti-choice, anti-gun safety, and election-denier extremists who fund MAGA Republicans throughout the country. (Illinois Board of Elections & Open Secrets)

Republican Mary Cole hand-picked as a top spokesperson a judge who made sexist and racist remarks.

Republican Mary Cole has shown her complete lack of judgment by elevating as her spokesperson an out-of-touch judge who made sexist and racist remarks.

Republican Judge Ted Potkonjak had demeaned and belittled victims of domestic violence in court. While releasing a domestic abuser, Potkonjak explained his ruling in open court by stating, “Next time he hits her, it’s on her” and “[t]he Court can’t protect a victim if she wants to be a victim or punching bag.” Through his words and rulings, Potkonjak has repeatedly shown that he does not understand the cycle of violence, and he often blames victims. Like many in the legal community, Cole knew this, and still deployed him in her campaign. Rinehart calls on Mary Cole to separate from Potkonjak.

People v. CC, 24CF1749, 9/12/24

Judge Ted Potkonjak Social Media Post

Mary Cole – Another Trump Republican with questionable ethics and an instinct for lying, just like her choice for president.

>> Mary Cole says she’ll restore safety, but she doesn’t want you to know that she botched the few felony cases she handled as a prosecutor. In one case, an accused murderer went free because of misconduct.

19th Judicial Circuit Case Records; People v. York, 20CF00001133, 7/22/20; Chicago Tribune, “North Chicago man’s murder indictment thrown out…” Clifford Ward, 12/18/20; York v. Sarabia et al., 1:21-cv-03978, Response, Document #49, 8/2/23, 1:21-cv-03978 & Complaint, Document #1, 7/27/21

>> Mary Cole says we should trust her, but she’s repeatedly filed false ethics disclosures, hiding her finances from voters, just like Trump. In Illinois, this is punishable by up to a year in jail.

“2023 & 2024 Statement of Economic Interest,” Lake County Clerk, 5/31/2023, 4/23/2024; “Lake County State’s Attorney Candidate Statement of Economic Interests,” Lake County Clerk, 11/27/2023; Illinois Secretary of State, File No. 10417856; 5 ILCS 420

>> Mary Cole says she supports law enforcement, but she doesn’t want you to know that as a Lake Bluff Trustee, she couldn’t be bothered to show up and vote to increase police spending.

Illinois Secretary of State, File No. 10417856; 85 ILCS 420; 9Lake Bluff Board of Trustees, Meeting Minutes, 4/24/24; 10Village of Lake Bluff, Adopted Budget, 2025-2026

>> Mary Cole keeps lying about Rinehart’s record and attacking prevention programs that work. In reality, murders are on track to be at their lowest in over 10 years, and shootings have plummeted by 45% in the communities most impacted after increasing by nearly 100% under the previous Republican State’s Attorney.

Lake Bluff Board of Trustees, Meeting Minutes, 4/24/24; Village of Lake Bluff, Adopted Budget, 2025-2026;Lake County Coroner’s Office; Waukegan, Zion, North Chicago Police Department Shooting Data 2017-2023